
DIY Faux Shiplap Tutorial

If you've been following our Kitchen Remodel you probably saw the faux shiplap that we did in the kitchen, and as promised, here is how we did it! We've always loved the look of shiplap, but frankly didn't want to go through the hassle of nailing boards to the wall, especially after Mr. Cottage's run in with a table saw- but that's another story (trust me you don't want to hear it). PS. I may or may not have actually painted in that outfit.

You will need:

Painters Tape
Thin Paintbrush
A Ruler (longer the better)
Gray paint (we used Valspar zero VOC Gravity in satin)
And last but not least coffee- ok so you don't really need that to do this but hey, coffee is always good right? Check out our sponsor Lifeboat Coffee while you're at it! They have the best coffee we have ever tasted and its a family owned business for a great cause! Ok back to our project.

Related Post: Fix Them Drawers With Mr. Cottage

First, you are going to want to decide how wide you want your panels, we made ours 6 inches apart. When you figure this out start at the bottom of the wall and work your way up faintly marking lines across the wall with the ruler (check the paint department for their nice long ones!) or something else with a straight edge, I used a ruler and a left over tile. I wouldn't recommend the second one- my arms were killing me the next day.

Related Post: DIY Throw Pillow Slipcovers

Once this is done take the painters tape and apply it to either side of the line at your desired thickness. Mine varied a bit on size but I wanted it to look like 100-year-old wood so I was fine with that. Keep your lines as straight as humanly possible. Yes, I realize this is very hard, your talking to the queen of I-Can't-Make-Straight-Lines-To-Save-My-Life. Hopefully, I never get pulled over.

Related Post: DIY Collage Artwork 

Now that you have your lines done its time to paint! Stir up the paint and slap it on over the tape. Give it a few seconds to dry and then remove the tape before it has time to really stick to the tape. Touch up around the edges if needed and you're done!

Quick, easy and no big power tools needed!

The Chicken Chick's Clever Chicks Blog Hop


  1. That turned out really pretty and it is simple so maybe I could do it? Great instructions.

  2. Oh my gosh girls!!! I'm going to do this in certain areas of my newly finished (in the process) basement. I too did not want to deal with the boards...(and I worry that it'll phase out sooner than I want to tear it all out and redo).... so this is a great alternative. Thanks!!! forwarding on my page for sure!


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