
Seek Me

Seek me in the morning...

When all is fresh and new. When the dew hugs the grass like a loving embrace. Like my love for you. Find me as dawn kisses the sky and walk with me in the stillness of the morning. Listen with me in the stillness of the morning, listen with me as the birds wake from the place only their father knows and sing to their creator.

Let me whisper peace to your heart and take your burdens as your day begins. Find me in the sunrise, the quiet whisper of the wind, the dew on the grass and the clap of the leaves. Of all of these, it's you in whom I find the most pleasure, It's your praise I long to hear. Your burdens I want to carry. Your love I seek.

In all of this array of beauty, it's you who are my finest treasure. Never doubt my love, in the craziness of the day to come, and the storms that will rise. You are more beautiful than the colors painted across the sky, You are my child- and I died for you.

 Despite the the piles of laundry down the hall and the sink full of dishes. Despite the un-swept floors and the toys scattered here and there. Come to me, when your heart is heavy, and when it's bursting. Come to me in sorrow and in joy.

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