
Looking Back...

It's funny, how when you look back from day to day it looks like nothing changes but looking back over a year you see that everything has.

It's this time; when you look back over the time you spent and wonder if it was worth it.

Did I love enough?

Did I act like Christ enough to make people notice?

Did I live every moment to its fullest?

Did I forgive fast enough?

Did I listen long enough?

Did I say the right words?

This year nothing, yet everything has changed.

This makes the first year of Rosevine Cottage Girls Blog. The second year that my friends are so far away in Africa. It has marked so many lessons.

I've learned who my friends are, and what makes a great friend.

 I've learned that not everyone is going to be nice.

And that sometimes the words that are the hardest to hear are the ones I need to hear the most.

I've learned that the words that hardest to speak are the one most needing to be heard.

I've learned that the things that mean the most are the small things.

I've learned that even when life knocks me down I can get back up.

That words sting but the wounds will heal.

That sometimes family is chosen.

That memories are made all the time.

That being surrounded by special people is one of the best places to be.

That like the trees, our lives are always there, but like their leaves, they are always changing.

That not all of the people that enter my life are meant to stay, but they all will change you.

That even an animal can teach important lessons.

That dreams can come true.

That time moves on but sometimes you never fully heal.

That words can be used as weapons but also as tools of healing.

That being wrong can be a good thing.

That letting people see all of your heart may lead to injury or joy.

That hatred and bitterness only hurt me.

That life is meant to be lived now.

That a brief moment of time can be the most beautiful.

That the only person that I should be try to be better than is me yesterday.

That seasons come and seasons go.

That there will always be a lesson to learn from someone else who has already learned it.

That life is too short to hold a grudge.

So if when you are offering your gift at the altar you there remember that your brother has any [grievance] against you,  Leave your gift at the altar and go. First, make peace with your brother, and then come back and present your gift. Matthew 5:23-24 

A- a is for Abundant blessings 
B- b is for Bearing One    
        Another Burdens
C- c is for Change not
promised by the government or the Change in your pocket but the kind found only in your heart
D- d is for Devotion 
E- e is for Eternity 
F- f is for Family, Faith & Forgiveness 
G & H- is for Grace, Hope & Happiness 
I- i is for Integrity 
J- j is for the Journey
K- k is for Kisses 
L- l is for Lessons Learned, Love & Laughter
M- m is for Memories which will stay with us for a lifetime - n is for  loving your Neighbor
O- o is for Owning your short comings & Opportunities 

P-p is for making People a Priority & Prayer  
Q- q is for Quiet moments 
R- r is for Redemption, Remembering, Revival & Relationships matter to God 
S- s is for Saved by grace, Sorrow & Smiles 
T- t is for Time cut too short & Tears
U- u is for Us, a family, indivisible   
V- v is for Vision, Victory & Valor
W- w is for Wishes & Wisdom 
X- x is for being an eXample to the next generation 
Y- y is for Yesterday, & for You because it begins with you
and Z- z is for LaZy days & living life with Zeal

Reminiscing, hard times, stronger, faith, love, friendship, loss, mourning, growing, changes, tears, hope, 


  1. Oh how I love this post! So true that the only person we should be trying to be better than Is ourselves yesterday. The important thing is that we evaluate and try to always press forward. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thank you so much Ms. Jann, that really means a lot to me. So so true. What a blessing you are. I am having a linkup party starting now if you want to link up your posts to it. It is at


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